Saturday, April 21, 2012

image from framework.latimes

image from thehippiecommune 

 image from madame-roue

 image from lowla

 image from animalphotos

 image from cat-nap
The Allman Brothers Band

EOTO Lotus Stage by Zebbler

While we don't normally condone the use of dubstep, we've got to give it up to EOTO for their gorgeous stage on their spring tour. We know EOTO because they're made of String Cheese Incident members Michael Travis and Jason Hann. What makes EOTO special is that they are 100% improvised, no set lists, no tracks, just 2 dudes jamming on every instrument possible to create a unique electronic sound. We have to give it up to them for doing something different in the realm of 'bass music.' As far as that genre is concerned, no one can top EOTO's creativity.
To see part 2 of the video mapping of the lotus stage and lots more footage of the stage in action, click here.
Now here is where it gets interesting...Zebbler, their stage designer, looked so familiar to us when we first saw this video. We figured we had probably seen him around at shows or festivals, then we found this video. Zebbler is part of the team who created Aqua Teen Hunger Force electric boards that caused the city of Boston to close down for a day due to the fear that the boxes were a bomb. Crazy, right?
If you want to get your rage on to the lotus stage, click here to see when EOTO will be in a town near you.
image from benoitpaille

image from vodkakissingfairies 

 image from itchymind

image from mrsharrison

 image from earthboundyoga

 image from 0rgasms

Friday, April 20, 2012

image from chacharliewood
Drop City, CO

  image from hippierachie

 image from uglyuglyugly

 image from thehippiecommune

 image from lezbebroson

 image from meagporter

Oh, The Places You'll Go at Burning Man

A touching video filmed at the 2011 Burning Man Passage of Rights in Black Rock City Nevada.

 image from hippierachie

 image from thehippiecommune

 image from technicolourhealth

 image from darksideoftheshroom

 image from thehippiecommune

We think this may be the most beautiful picture of Janis we've ever seen. 

Blue Sky partners with the Shipibo-Conibo people of the Amazon Rainforest

image from treeborne
Blue Sky is pleased to partner with ACEER.    Blue Sky is now offering this line of products produced by Shipibo artisans in the central Peruvian rainforest, where ACEER has been working since 2008.
With each item purchased through Blue Sky, you are making a real difference in the lives of the Shipibo-Conibo peoples of Amazonia.  Each piece is unique, hand-made, and reflecting the sacred wisdom and symbols of these native peoples.  Every item represents a part of the rich traditions of the Shipibo that go back thousands of years, demonstrating in a powerful way that the culture and natural resources of the Amazon can be protected.  Proceeds from your purchases will allow ACEER to supply badly needed educational materials for Amazonian children, essential teacher training in conservation education, and funds for sustainable community development projects. 
Click here to check out Blue Sky's Amazon Dream collection.

image from fyeahhooping

 image from modeleweddings

image from ofdreadsandmen

 image from thehippiecommune

 image from 3lilwords

 image from annekeee

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”

-Jim Morrison

Neem Spray

image from

Trying to get rid of pesky bugs in your garden naturally?

Who wants to use harsh chemicals on veggies knowing that they will be eating them in the near future? NOT US! We've tried a lot of different organic pesticides to keep these pesky little buggies out of our garden, but they never work and sometimes even damage our plants (sorry Thai hot pepper, RIP.)
Not to worry, we have found our saving grace in the form of neem oil. Neem oil is pressed from the seeds of the neem, which is a type of evergreen native to India, and is perfectly safe for organic gardening.
Potency of your spray can vary on how persistent your bugs are, but we would suggest about a teaspoon of oil to a quart of water to get started. Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle and spray directly onto the leaves of the plant, followed by wiping off the bugs with cloth. Just remember to shake up your bottle every time you spray because the oil and water will separate. Bye Bye spider mites!
The only thing we have noticed that neem isn't taking care of is ants. At the moment we are urban gardening, so everything is in pots on cement. To get rid of the ants all we did was soak a q-tip in 100% pure tea tree oil and run it along the  rim of the pots and voila, no more ants!
Repeat treatment once a week or more if necessary.
Hippie gardening y'all!
image from lowla

 image from sayhedgehog

 image from dergeisteinesknabben

image from coffeeobsessed 

 image from iratherbekayaking

 image from transcendentia

Rusted Root

Okay, we realize that this video came out in 1996 and it's nothing new...but to this day we get the urge to run around in a field of flowers and play bongos every single time we hear it. Nothing can put a smile on our face faster than this video. They're having so much fun, it's contagious.
Why doesn't anyone ever cover this? Who do YOU think would do a good cover of this Rusted Root classic?
image from shinygoonsack
image from allischaos
 image from wearetheweavers
 image from missmelanieelizabeth

 image from missmelanieelizabeth
 image from theglorydays

Levon Helm 5/26/1940 - 4/19/2012

We are very saddened to announce the passing of one of the world's greatest drummers and most beloved vocalists, Mr. Levon Helm. His contributions to the music world will live on for generations. Our thoughts go out to Levon's loved ones in this difficult time.
The video above is from the Martin Scorsese directed film The Last Waltz.
image from tastynewports
 image from speedwayboogie
 image from transcendentia
 image from thekoolaid
 image from spysgrandson

image from disturbingthepeas